She's also an ENFP. A TEENAGE ENFP. There is a terrific post about ENFP children here and it rings so true for her.
What it probably doesn't say is that ENFP and INTJ relationships are one of the most laughed about and talked about relationships in MBTI. Where the INTJ is cast as all serious and prickly, the ENFP is the enthusiastic, heart warming, people loving polar opposite.
Lucky for her, I'm her Mom and I couldn't run away screaming like a normal INTJ response would presume (lol).
Imagine my relief when I was finally able to "figure her out" and we discovered her ENFP-ness. I think she felt the same kind of relief to understand me, at long last. Now it has become a source of entertainment for her (and for me) to point out those differences. It gave us some common ground on which to work and probably saved us from driving each other insane as she has morphed into teenage ENFP.
I discovered a great tactic a while ago to deal with her emotional teenage outbursts. I talk to her, hug her, give sage advise... and when none of that works I let loose with an incredibly uncharacteristic emotional outburst of my own, complete with arm waving, tears and a voice that raises about two octaves. At that point she's usually so flabbergasted to see me in such a state that she calms down. Someday she might realize that it's just a little premeditated *cackle* Survival of the fittest, sweety! I feel totally justified in this since she uses her people-intuition to push my buttons at every opportunity.
Earlier today, in fact, as I was typing my previous blog post she came up and wrapped her arms around me and said "You're in Thinking mode." I replied "Yep" and kept typing. She then laughed, squeeeeezed harder and started chanting and yelling "FEEL! I WANT YOU TO FEEL! DO IT!" I began laughing and told her that I was beginning to FEEL something and she was about to be it's recipient.
She laughed, giggled and squeeeezed some more with glee "IT'S COMING! I CAN TELL!" I gave a fake growl, snuggled back with her... and then told her to never marry an INTJ. She skipped away, proud of herself for getting me to break concentration and respond to her irrational quest.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm not the most ill-prepared woman in the world to help this child grow into an adult. She's a complete enigma to me and yet I love her unconditionally and fiercely. The most entertaining person I know is this confusing little creature I call daughter. I have no idea how I made something like that. I'm so incredibly glad that I did.