Welcome to the INTJ Analysis blog. Whether you are an INTJ or you know an INTJ... or have no idea what an INTJ is, you will surely find something to interest you here. I plan to cover a broad range of topics including some insights into the mind of an (I)ntroverted, I(n)tuitive, (T)hinking, (J)udging personality, although this will not always be my main focus. There is much more to life than analysis of the human mind and behaviors, but this happens to be a favorite hobby of mine. Most of what you will find here deals with more tangible pieces of my world, including work, family, friends and hobbies. All of those things are influenced by my personality preferences and I will do my best to point out those indicators and times when I felt that my INTJ personality directly impacted the situation. Perhaps, in this way, others might gain some insight into the rationale (or lack thereof) that brings about decisions.
If you are not an INTJ yourself, but have one in your life, I offer my condolences. My family struggled to figure me out for years (and vice-versa) but I hope that my practiced improvements in communication, empathizing and expression have broken down some of those barriers over time. It wasn't until my late 20's that I finally understood the importance of interacting with others. At times, I still find it difficult and even envy those who seem to have that natural ability to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger. I can force myself to do it, and may even enjoy myself at the time, but it seems to take a ridiculous amount of energy.
I will offer one bit of advice, if I may, for those of you who are here seeking to understand an INTJ in your own life. Delving into the minds and motivations of those around you is dangerous business. It is difficult (and unsatisfying) to know that we can never truly understand another human being. Resist the urge to stereotype, and more importantly... resist the urge to manipulate based on your knowledge. Use your powers for good!
Welcome to INTJ Analysis!
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