Warning: This woman is an INTJ with better-than-it-used-to-be emotional intelligence. Wit, sarcasm, sincerity, condescension, empathy, dumb jokes, useless facts, wide-sweeping generalizations and stereotypes may be found in this blog. Proceed with caution.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

INTJ "Grit"

I have a thing for turtles.  I rescue them from roads (or cause them to be run over in my attempt to rescue them... don't ask, it was traumatizing) and love watching them.  The Tortoise and the Hare was one of my favorite stories when I was little and I actually had a little painted turtle when I was young. Something about that constant determination to get from point A to point B resonates with me.  Turtles may not be the most fierce creatures on the planet, but they're resourceful and consistent and tranquil.  Maybe the turtle would be my "spirit animal" hehe.  

All my life I've had a tenacity for accomplishing things that I feel are important. I can become absolutely relentless, even if it takes me years to reach a goal. Sometimes it felt like I was really "lucky" but after a while I realized that all the planning and work would usually align with the perfect place in time where everything would just fall together, almost magically.  My intuition (and some common sense) helped me know how to lay the foundation and when the time was right to build the house (so to speak) I would be ready.  

I wonder if this "grit" is something that all INTJ's feel.  Despite obstacles, despite naysayers, despite impossible odds, I move forward, always forward, toward my goals.  Sometimes they seem very far away and I wonder how long it will take me to arrive, but it doesn't stop the movement.  Like a turtle staring at a stretch of highway at 10pm, I say a prayer, check for headlights and start walking.

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